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St. Jude Sees Double-Digit Rise in Donations With GivePlus

Posted by Vanco Feb 5, 2019 8:52:00 AM


St_Jude_kioskWhen you make it easy for parishioners to give and simple for churches to allocate those funds, the donation process becomes a breeze. That was the case at St. Jude Catholic Church and School in Boca Raton, Fla., where finance director Lukas Iwanski convinced church leadership to implement GivePlus eGiving solutions in 2016.

Today, the church’s GivePlus Kiosk sits just inside the entrance and is consistently used by parishioners, particularly those 50 and older. Many others donate on the church’s website, where they can give to the altar flowers fund, sponsor mission trips and designate whether a donation is one-time or recurring. Parishioners can also donate by smartphone app and text during offertory.

 “I never want anyone to say they don’t have a way to give money,” explains Iwanski.

In addition to substantially increased online donations, the church credits the new system with a $9,000 increase in net profit from its annual fall festival because tickets were easier to buy online.

 The icing on the cake is that the system is easy for administrators to use, and money can be easily deposited into the general use, capital giving or designated giving account.

 “It’s the whole package,” says Iwanski. “Reporting is a breeze. You need something, you want something, it gets done.”

 How would your church benefit from a double-digit giving boost? Read St. Jude’s whole story here.




Vanco has helped churches through more than 20 years of holiday giving seasons by providing electronic giving solutions that have boosted donations for tens of thousands of churches. To see how your church can use eGiving to increase donations, give us a call at 855.213.3705 or contact us online to receive a demo.

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